Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 11th - Poopoo Dance

My fellow volunteers have been fascinated by my video project and were eager to join in today.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9th

I know you all wanted to see a baby sloth taking a poo. Well here it is. The information in here is not 100% accurate, but it was designed with a toddler in mind.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

October 8th

This is Sidwiggy. Sid for short. Most sloths don't like to be touched, but Sid is an exception. He loves attention and affection, and gets curious about things going on outside his enclosure. The sound of water running is one of the other volunteers rinsing Cecropia leaves which is Sid's favorite food. He poked his head through a few times today, no worries he always gets it back in eventually, although this particular time the veterinarian on staff happened to be walking by (the elbow at the end of the video) and gently helped Sid pull free.



Friday, October 7, 2011

Sloth Eating Upside Down

For October 7th, Julie of the Black Eyed Suzies Roller Derby Team requested a song.  I spent the afternoon writing it, but due to technical difficulties I was not able to record it yet.  I should have it up by tomorrow afternoon.

Here is the latest draft of the lyrics:

Don't be thinking I'm demure
Not your average girly snack
Step back boy, I'm a jammer
Come see me on the flat track

Coming up on your blind spot
Girl you gone need an icepack
I'm passin up your pivot
Faceplant you on the flat track.

You're shakin in your skates
because you are under attack
Black Eyed Suzies of the Free State
We'll see you on the Flat Track

Things are still great here.  But I have lots of ideas for a video about how the creepy crawly critters make me uncomfortable.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6th

October 5th

Sponsored by my brother Aidan, this is my travel to and arrival at the sanctuary. It was supposed to be a 4 hour bus ride to the sanctuary, but due to traffic it was more like 6. The highway we were on is the main highway from the primary shipping port in Limon to the capital. We passed coffee and banana plantations, volcanos, rivers, and little waterfalls. Our driver, Carlos, was more like a tour guide than a bus driver. Other passengers were from The Netherlands, The Canary Islands, and The U.K. we had lunch together at one of the many open-air roadside restaurants. The coffee around here is goooood.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Warrior Dash!

We took tons of pics with my sister's waterproof camera, but we haven't been able to upload them anywhere yet. This was fun and messy was mandatory.

The Virginia Warrior Dash was an obstacle course race that took place on a historic plantation In the countryside between Williamsburg and Richmond. My three siblings and I ran through cornfields, woods, grass, mud, over wrecked cars, climbed ropes, and jumped over fire. I was especially excited about the scenery since I've been living in a city for so long! At one point we trudged along the James River bank with our shoes getting sucked into the soft clay riverbed. There were nothing but trees for miles lining the banks.

We had to swim across a stream at one point! The water was six feet deep with logs in it! We got covered head to toe with mud and everyone swam in the river to rinse it off after. We didn't make the best time as far as the whole "dash" part of it and I didn't do all the obstacles (can't visit the sloths if I break a bone) but we had lots of laughs. As Michael said after climbing a 15 foot rope and down the other side of the wall, "I can't believe I just did that!"

I can't wait to show everyone the pictures!

We are not a very athletic people so I'm proud of us for doing it at all. After the race we went back to doing what we do best -eating Chinese takeout and watching movies.

Good times.

Location:Newport News,United States